Meeting people like
nuclear fusion
Illustration /
Wedding Invitation
written desserts / concept / collide
And for the entire rest of their life a series of sub-products derived from the collision of this two human particles, as we will call them from now on, start emerging to be revealed from one to the other and viceversa. Meanwhile, these main human particles keep fussing, converging into a common structure of shared components.
For these special project I tried to find a graphic synthesis of this collision, and so I started working with words and dialogs. The idea of graphic dialog come soon, and so text boxes acquired the star role on the illustration.
With them, collision sub-products appear as those things we individually like or admire that we once bring to the conversation with the other person and, most of the times, let us advance to the next one. As long as dialogs and conversations between these two people take place, the text box starts embracing condensed things in common that will reinforce and set the structure of the nuclear part of this interpersonal relation.
Language, words, again as the most powerful invention human being created, here to beat separateness and find bonds.