written desserts / article / think difficult
read difficult, think difficult, eat difficult, swallow difficult, spit out
On Pre_Imaginarios2020 Official Catalog, pp. 11-12. October 2020.
Ed. Arte e Investigación Cultural. ISBN: 978-84-122691-0-9
Extract from an article published on Agust 2018 with unknown authory under the title: Read fast, think fast, eat fast, swallow fast, spit out:
One of my young-but-old habits on my time in Madrid was to ocassionally go to have breakfast at Clao’s, a “chic” cafe on Argüelles Street, where the give you brunch and there goes people that takes brunch. It is on the limit between “chic” and “trendy”, but it keeps a pleasant space with large windows sight-opened to the supermarket placed on the opposite side of the street. What can we do. The white ceramic tiles give it a noble appearance and the bench wrapped on red velvet fabric where I used to sit down was once in a while comfortable.
It was a clumsy day and early in the morning. I went to Clao’s before work to have breakfast and buy some appetizers including croissants to later have them with the midday coffe. Down the red bench, the little sit next to the doos and “could you please clean up the table for me please?”. A black man on pink polo shirt in front, a white youngster with blue shirt behind me and by my left side three old people clearly from Madrid, with perfectly combed hair the men, and diva sunglasses the woman.A A great show is yet to come when one of the waiters taking out some plate from the dishwasher decides to join the dynamics of the day and let the plates fall over the floor tiles spreading a sonorous thud all over the place.
When you clap your hands next to a cat, he activates his state of alarm and stares at the noise source paralyzed, almost attentive. Ten seconds later he seems to have erased the immediately previous lapse of time and he keeps “catting” as it was before the “clap clap”.
The youngster on blue shirt make the gesture of the cat with the plash crash, the man on polo shirt and his portuguese companion I believe they did the same and the three old “madrileños” where pleased to have met themselves. The chandeliers that hang down the ceiling did not move an inch, it was not that important.
There is nowadays this trend towards things that “are not that important”. Nothing is that important, undoubtedly. But “that important” has gone from days to seconds in such a little time. Not that much. A forced redefinition of what an instant lasts. Well now, ¿what about those meerkats from the Lion King movie, raised upright to the sun rising at the beginning of the movie? So much attentive creatures would not have been bad to see during breakfast. It is not silly to say that they would be the most attentive creatures on earth on these days.
Here comes the explanation. The effort between only moving the head as the cat does and remain erect like the meerkats in the social human being appears more like an the automatized feline attitude. A flash, like the nude of the german chancellor at the beach. (1 week)
It is not a matter of importance or interest still, but a consequence of the reduction of instants to their minimal
expression. They have no value. The porportional relation betwween a stimulus and the time we pay attention to it has fallen down to all-time lows, whatever it is the scale of the stimulus. I mean:
· The plash crash and the smithereens over the croissants: 3 seconds.
· The new pic shared by the old people: 0,5 seconds.
· White citizens killing black citizens: 1/2 minutes on TV
· Black men killing white men: 1 minute
· Winning the Champions League: 3 to 5 days and 3 to 5 complete newscasts.
· Terrorist assault to the headquarters of a french satiric magazine: 1 week and a half.
· Each one of the following terrorist attacks: 2 weeks
· Donald Trump: 1 article on every newspaper a day.
· The death of the Earth at the hands of humen: 1 story on Instagram every 4 days.
· For everything else: Playground videos on your Facebook everytime you want.
And so on...
What is this phenomena that has reached a speed greater than light? The immediacy with which information is assimilated in the millenium era, due to the “in bulk” capacity of generating and transmiting information that nowadays exists is unheard-of. To eat without breathing, swallow or spit out. All good.
It is placebo. No.
It is an intentional optimization of the content of our messages. It is a germinal question of an original germ idea that installed with benevolent mischief in the mind may provoke further reflection even after receiving the stimulus.
Because of his latency capacity, the idea remains alive when idling in brain corners untill it is reactivated due to the need to be resolved. Something starts rushing around your head permanently.
This is:
1. The postulates about Ideological Virality that are announced here do not have a real practical resolution, comparable and standardizable, of the theoretical approaches that originate them.
2. Ideological Virality has always existed, but now it is much faster and hides to be forgotten, but remains latent.
3. From the previous postulate it follows that Ideological Virality is itself a phenomenon of Ideological Virality.
4. An infinitesimal piece of an idea capable of engendering the species is the minimum necessary to establish a Remote Viral Communication.
5. When trying to put Ideological Virality into practice, it is necessary to master the archaic communicative arts that can serve as a soluble film of that germ idea that is intended to be transmitted. (Postulate of Communicative Homeopathy)
6. The effectiveness of the Ideological Virality depends to a great extent on the patience of the sender to wait for visible effects on the receiver once the communicative act has been carried out.
7. Ideological Virality is therefore a slow process, with the capacity to kill and generate life, but until now it has only killed.
8. As a communication tool, Ideological Virality has a high capacity to influence the mind. Therefore, its use as a means of "propaganda", publicity or power is prohibited.
9. The technological development of digital communication tools is a misinterpreted variant of Ideological Virality that, however, can be reconverted in favor of its effectiveness.
10. The desire for immediacy in current times has not meant but the empowerment of the capacities of Ideological Virality as a tool for growth and progress, and therefore it is a common responsibility to know how to put it to use.
So far the article. Are they ideas or are they images?
The conformation of our thinking is increasingly fragmentary, composed of the stored, processed, optimized and recovered pieces of what was left or disturbed us at some point, ideas, images. Univocal associations begin to die out in our heads to give way to our own network of cognitive synapses that allows us to manage the intake of new incoming ideas. An imaginary. And more and more the fragments, and more difficult to relate.
Time, on the other hand, plays in its favor always ahead. Between 2018 and 2021 the acceleration of events has been radical and uninterrupted. Each year passes faster and poses an almost temporary context change between one and the other. From multicultural societies to global pandemics, each one leaves a new fragment or several of them in our heads with which to continue altering our personal cosmology of images.
Thus, storage is cumulative and fractal, and produces an evolutionary process of our own imaginary and its rules of growth and mutation. It celebrates the fragment, the complexity, because it progressively defines a richer identity of the whole, but it has to know how to connect with each other. “Learning to operate with complex systems and to regulate the generation of events and figures implies a careful look at the context, it implies recognizing and accommodating differences. This way of preceding could be defined as ecological thinking, a systemic being in itself, where modes of relationship with other systems become important.”1
This is what ideological virality refers to. The communicative process associated with the relationship of individual imaginaries to each other. Define yours. It does not take much thought about it, it is something instantaneous and inherent to our own functioning as human beings. But it is difficult to clarify, it mutates. At least for the moment, knowing and understanding its potential will allow us to turn it into a prospective tool, from which we can converge to recreate the future, always through the intricate sum of all the fragments of the present.
Nos spit out.
(1) L. Ortega, El Diseñador Total (Barcelona, Puente Editores, 2017), 30.
Fragmento de un artículo publicado en Agosto de 2018 de autoría desconocida bajo el título: "leer rápido, pensar rápido, comer rápido, tragar rápido, escupir"
A building drawn on the ground for the headquarters Huesca cinema festival...
Cuando das una palmada estando cerca de un gato, activa el estado de alarma y mira fijamente hacia la fuente del ruido, paralizado, casi atento. A los diez segundos parece haber borrado el espacio temporal inmediato pasado y sigue gateando como antes del plas plas.
Hay una tendencia actual hacia las cosas que no son para tanto. Nada es para tanto, indudablemente. Pero tanto, ha pasado de días a segundos en muy poco tiempo. No tanto. Una redefinición forzada de lo que dura un instante. Ahora bien, ¿y aquellos suricatos del Rey León, erguidos mirando al sol naciente al inicio de la película? Tanto bicho atento no hubiera estado mal ver durante el desayuno. No es tontería destacar que podrían llegar a ser los seres más atentos de la tierra en estos días.
What I definitely know is what sort of questions, also in relation to those who other people raised from it and told me once, I would like to address with this almost roman theater:
Tiene una explicación. El esfuerzo entre mover la cabeza como el gato y mantenerse erguido tieso como el suricato en el ser humano social aparece más como la actitud felina automatizada. Un “visto y no visto” integral,como el desnudo de la canciller alemana en la playa (1 semana).
No es cuestión de importancia ni de interés ya, sino una consecuencia de la reducción de los instantes a su mínima expresión. No tienen valor. La relación proporcional entre un estímulo y el tiempo que se le hace caso ha precipitado al mínimo histórico, sea cuál sea la escala del estímulo. Es decir:
· El plash crash y los añicos esparcidos sobre el pan: 3 segundos.
· La nueva foto subida por los señores mayores: 0,5 segundos
· Ciudadanos blancos matando ciudadanos negros: 1/2 minuto en el telediario
· Negros matando blancos: 1 minuto
· Ganar la Champions: 3 a 5 días y 3 a 5 telediarios completos
· Asalto terrorista a la rotativa de una revista francesa satírica: 1 semana y media
· Cada uno de los ataques terroristas siguientes: 2 semanas
· Donald Trump: 1 noticia en cada periódico al día
· La muerte de la Tierra a manos del ser humano: 1 story en Instagram cada 4 días.
· Para todo lo demás: Los vídeos de Playground en tu Facebook siempre que quieras.
Y así...
¿Qué fenómeno es este que ha alcanzado velocidad mayor que la lumínica? La inmediatez con que se asimila la información en la era del milenio, debido a la capacidad de generación y transmisión de información “a granel” que existe actualmente es inaudita. Comer sin respirar, tragar o escupir. Todo bueno, vamos.
Es placebo. No.
Es una optimización intencional del contenido de los mensajes. Es una cuestión germinal, de una idea germen original que instalada con benevolente malicia en la mente puede suscitar una reflexión posterior e incluso tardía al momento de recibir un estímulo.
Por su capacidad de latencia, la idea se mantiene viva al ralentí en rincones cerebrales hasta que vuelve a reactivarse por necesidad de ser resuelta. “Tener un rún rún” puede decirse. Darle vueltas a la cabeza.
Esto es:
A - As architects, we have known from the beginning that image, traditionally drawing, is part of our communication tool set. It is the way with which we get more easily in contact to our context, faster than words, images are this radical device of information, as containers of facts, interpretations, realities or futures that don't need a previous introduction to start a dialogue , but an attitude or purpose in their languages to better convey certain kind of intentions. Los postulados sobre Viralidad Ideológica que aquí se anuncian no tienen una resolución práctica real, homologable y estandarizable, de los planteamientos teóricos que los originan.
After the project of an almost roman theatre, I have had the opportunity to develop an exhibition as head curator in Zaragoza called PRE_IMAGINARIOS2020. From the beginning we had the purpose of considering this moment we are living as an opportunity to reconsider our narratives as architects, introducing the architectural language to the city and the open public through a vast collection of images: Plans, sketches, renders and visual documents in general from different projects made and sent by architecture students and professional studios were exhibited as a collective imaginary of the future cities post-2020. Suddenly this idea of the IMAGINARIES became fundamental to understand this common field in which we all can relate to talk about what surrounds us and the cities we live in. Images are not only condensers of information, but also a great mental synthesis to explain ourselves some concepts.
La Viralidad Ideológica siempre ha existido, pero ahora es mucho más rápida y se esconde para ser olvidada, pero permancer latente.
I believe that more than power, images need to talk about intelligence. To communicate and to offer solutions, to adapt grammaticals again between different interlocutors and to uprise ideas and install them as a real possibility in some other's minds. Speak without words, explain without sentences.
Del postulado anterior se deduce que la Viralidad Ideológica es en sí misma un fenómeno de Viralidad Ideológica.
Un trocito infinitesimal de una idea con capacidad de engendrar la especie es lo mínimo necesario para poder establecer una Comunicación Remota Viral.
A la hora de intentar poner en práctica la Viralidad Ideológica es preciso dominar las artes comunicativas arcaicas que puedan servir como película soluble de esa idea germen que se pretende transmitir. (Postulado de la Homeopatía Comunicativa)
A - In this sense, we could make a difference between forms and, I would say, translations. The medium could relate more to a formal quality of the message, and the translation or the interpretation of a certain kind of data or information into a message might be its own personality. The first one might be the trigger of the act of communication itself and the filter of content a first step to guide the conversation. This is for me the labor I would like to put in practice as an architect, this intermediate role of data processing, filter, language interpreter, in which creative and design ideas came in as an input to reorder this data, define its own grammar, syntax and prompt solutions through negotiation processes between the sender and the recipient. We are not alone in expertise anymore, we may be interpreters of reality shows, mixed in the social amalgam.
La efectividad de la Viralidad Ideológica depende en gran medida de la paciencia del emisor por esperar efectos visibles en el receptor una vez realizado el acto comunicativo.
La Viralidad Ideológica es por tanto un proceso lento, con capacidad para matar y generar vida, pero que hasta el momento solo ha matado.
Como herramienta de comunicación, la Viralidad Ideológica posee una alta capacidad de influencia en la mente. Por ello, queda prohibido su empleo como medio de propaganda, publicidad o poder.
A - For me it is LANGUAGE, and I am still in search of what this wholly means.
9. El desarrollo tecnológico de las herramientas comunicativas digitales es una variante malinterpretada de la Viralidad Ideológica que sin embargo puede reconvertirse en pro de su efectividad.
10. El ansia por la inmediatez en los tiempos actuales no ha supuesto sino el empoderamiento de las capacidades de la Viralidad Ideológica como herramienta de crecimiento y progreso, y por ello es responsabilidad común saber ponerla en uso.
Hasta aquí el artículo. ¿Son ideas o son imágenes?
La conformación de nuestro pensamiento se muestra cada día más fragmentaria, compuesta por los trozos almacenados, procesados, optimizados y recuperados de lo que quedó o nos inquietó en algún momento, ideas, imágenes. Las asociaciones unívocas comienzan a extinguirse en nuestra cabeza para dar paso a una red propia de sinapsis cognitivas que permita administrar la ingesta de nuevas ideas entrantes. Un imaginario. Y cada vez son más los fragmentos, y más difíciles de relacionar.
El tiempo, por su parte juega a su favor siempre por delante. Entre 2018 y 2021 la aceleración de eventos ha sido radical e ininterrumpida. Cada año pasa más rápido y plantea un cambio de contexto casi coyuntural entre uno y otro. De las sociedades multiculturales a las pandemias mundiales, cada uno deja un nuevo fragmento o varios de ellos en nuestra cabeza con los que seguir alterando nuestra cosmología personal de imágenes.
Así el almacenamiento es acumulativo y fractal, y produce un proceso evolutivo de nuestros propios imaginarios y de sus reglas de crecimiento y mutación. Celebra el fragmento, la complejidad, porque define progresivamente una identidad del conjunto más rica, pero tiene que saber conectar unos con otros. “Aprender a operar con sistemas complejos y a regular la generación de acontecimientos y figuras implica una mirada atenta al contexto, implica reconocer y acomodar diferencias. Este modo de proceder podría definirsecomo un pensamiento ecológico, un ser sistémico en sí, donde cobran importancia los modos de relación con otros sistemas.” (1)
A esto se referiría la viralidad ideológica. Al proceso comunicativo asociado a la relación de los imaginarios individuales entre sí. Defina el suyo. No hace falta pensar mucho en ello, es algo instantáneo y connatural a nuestro propio funcionamiento como seres humanos. Pero es difícil de clarificar, muta. Al menos de momento,saber y entender su potencial nos permitirá convertirlo en una herramienta prospectiva, desde la que podamos converger para recrear el futuro, siempre a través de la suma intrincada de todos los fragmentos del presente.
(1) L. Ortega, El Diseñador Total (Barcelona, Puente Editores, 2017), 30.